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Louis  John “LJ” Piniella Memorial Golf Tournament

Img featured louis john lj piniella memorial golf tounament

This week our Director of Sales & Marketing Jared Wilson got the chance to represent predictiveIT at the Louis John “LJ” Piniella Memorial Golf Tournament. The proceeds of this went to benefit GiGi’s Playhouse Inc.- Down Syndrome Achievement Centers.

Congratulations to Ginny Garcia for guessing the distance of her drive to within less than a yard, 0.1 yards to be exact! She won an autographed bottle of Scottie Pippen’s Digits bourbon whiskey.

Another outstanding collaboration with Dialed in Golf Solutions and Ian Peterson! It was a beautiful event, for a great cause, at a spectacular venue Avila Golf and Country Club!

#predictiveit #DialedInGolfSolution #LJPiniellaMemorialGolfTournament #gigisplayhouse #GolfForAGoodCause #Golf #Tampa #cybersecurity #bourbonwhiskey

